This is the conclusion of our three-part series on S-5! Manufacturing. Part One featured the fortuitous meeting of Rob Haddock and Harry Carner, their partnership, and how they built their well-oiled manufacturing machine. Concerned about lack of control and a desire to always improve “the right way” to do things, these two men joined forces.
S-5-Manufacturing: Testing and QC (Quality Control) Protocols (Part 3)
Is the S-5-N the Right Clamp for Your Nail Strip Metal Roof?
The new and improved S-5-N clamp is an innovative attachment solution that cures your nail strip profile seating issues. The clamp features an insert to facilitate installation and fit. it also fits seam profiles having a base of rib dimension < .82".
Tags: solar mounting, PV
What makes makes up a metal roof? There is flashing, ridges, valleys, eaves, and more. Where are all these on a roof and what is their purpose? Read on as we deconstruct the rest of the metal roof.
Tags: metal roof, metal roof brackets, standing seam metal roof, exposed fastened
The International Roofing Expo (IRE) recently concluded in Nashville, TN. Now that the busy din of the show has subsided, it is a perfect chance to reflect on the show’s success. What did those who actually went think of the show?
Tags: metal roof brackets
What Is the Difference Between Metal Roofs and Asphalt Shingles?
Pop quiz. Should you install a metal roof or asphalt shingles? Which is a better choice? Asphalt shingle roofs are everywhere. But metal roofs have been in use for almost three thousand years. They have come a long way from the simple, yet functional corrugated or standing seam metal roof design usually associated with barns or sheds. So, which is the best choice for you? To answer this, let’s take a deeper look under the hood, or the roof, as it may be.
Tags: metal roof, standing seam metal roof, rooftop equipment, cost, installation
S-5! Manufacturing: High Standards, Quality and Production Efficiency
In Part 1 of our three-part series on S-5 Manufacturing, we discussed the history and the relationship between Rob Haddock and Harry Carner. In Part 2, we venture inside the facility to learn more about how those mighty clamps and brackets are actually made. We'll also delve into all of the plant staff - the human kind AND the machine kind.
A corrugated panel has a repeating wavy or rippled pattern across its design. It was the first mass-produced metal panel design in the United States. These panels can be used for roofing, siding, decking, and flooring. Corrugated panels are connected by overlapping the sheets, and then securing them in place with exposed fasteners. Trapezoidal rib panels are often mistakenly referred to as corrugated roofing.
Tags: metal roof, metal roof clamps, metal roof brackets, rooftop equipment, exposed fastened
Top 5 Reasons for Installing Snow Guards on Your Metal Roof
Have you been carefully (or not so carefully) monitoring that gravity-defying overhang of migrating snow that sits atop your roof? Glistening beautifully in the sun, it has stayed up there for days; it will surely stay up a bit longer, right? Sorry, no guarantee. Avalanches are unpredictable and catastrophic events. The snow will fall wherever and whenever it wants to – on you, a loved one, your car or sidewalk.
Tags: snow guards, metal roof clamps, installation
UL, an abbreviation for Underwriters Laboratories, is a testing and approving organization. Founded in 1894, UL performs safety testing on numerous electrical, mechanical, and chemical consumer and commercial products. Its roots began in electrical and fire safety, but UL now serves other industries and tests hazardous substances, water quality, food safety, and more.
Tags: metal roof clamps, solar mounting, PV
S-5! Manufacturing: Streamlining Production and Fabrication
The coming together of S-5! and S-5! Manufacturing is a tale steeped in history. When Rob Haddock and Harry Carner joined forces, the two created a partnership that now designs and manufactures the safest engineered products and has become the most trusted name in the metal construction industry. Here is Part 1 of our 3 Part history of S-5! Manufacturing.